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Sharpen your pencils Wildcats: We want your feedback!

Note that results are anonymous.  Contact us with any questions or comments!

About that 100th birthday gift...
1. If PTO could gift Washington Elementary only ONE of the following as a 100th birthday gift, which ONE would you choose? (Note that a digital sign near school entry was a priority, but has been ruled out as not feasible due to neighborhood zoning.)


2. Second gift: If PTO could gift Washington Elementary a SECOND 100th birthday gift, which ONE would you choose?
3. Do you know a past Washington Elementary student, now an adult, who MIGHT be interested in sharing a story at Washington's 100th birthday celebration this upcoming fall 2023?

Email address (not required) 

About the pizza...
4. Would you or someone in your family eat VEGAN pizza at PTO sponsored events at Washington Elementary, such as the Spring Carnival or Boo Bash?
5. Would you or someone in your family eat GLUTEN FREE pizza at PTO sponsored events at Washington Elementary, such as the Spring Carnival or Boo Bash?
About our PTO...
6. Everyone is invited to join in PTO discussions and planning (second Tuesday of each school month, 6-7pm in the school library with a virtual Teams option) Coming to one meeting doesn't mean you have to come to all meetings. Is there anything that could make PTO involvement more feasible or enticing? (CHOOSE ANY of the following):
7. Please type your comments regarding anything related to PTO.  There is no word quantity limit, so feel free to expand.  Thought starters:
What things could PTO do to further support or include all families?                                                                                 What would help make PTO's events more accessible to all families?                                                                                   Is there anything, in particular, that would make it easier to share your voice or be involved?                                             If you are interested in attending a PTO meeting, what would be an ideal time/place?                                                    Is there anything that PTO could do to help families understand our projects more fully?                                                 Do you have any ideas you'd like to share with us?

Thanks for your amazing feedback!

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