Made possible by PTO:

School plantings beyond grass
Quarterly weeding/grounds cleanup beyond OPS provided mowing
School spirit wear
Wildcat logo design oversight
Student Planners for grades 1-6
Conference dinners for teachers
Teacher appreciation week gifts
Gift cards for classroom supplies
ELMO projectors

Gym floor logo
New gym speakers (2023)
Commemorative brick sales
All East playground equipment
All-school Directory

Transportation & Admission fees for student field trips
Various library donations
Computer Lab Smart Board
Seasonal classroom party snacks

Annual college scholarships for two graduating 6th graders

Halloween Boo Bash!
Spring Carnival!
Family Fun events: Bowling, Roller Skating, Ice Skating, Bingo Nights, etc.
Washington presence at Dundee Day Parade (with candy from PTO)

Washington PTO college scholarships: Jessica Prince & Sophia O'Hara, joining other past Washington alumni who have won on the basis of written essay submissions

Field Day: T-Shirts for all students & Elmwood Park Pavilion rental

Spring Carnival hosting with pizza, popcorn and cotton candy provided by PTO
Carnival game updates
The Washington PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is a volunteer organization with the purpose of bringing together parents, teachers and staff to enhance the student experience at Washington Elementary and to support teachers in trying to provide the best education possible to our children.
The PTO fundraises through various programs such as catalog sales in the fall and typically a more arts, health or educationally-focused activity in the spring. Through those efforts, we’ve been able to provide daily planners for every child, conference and teacher appreciation lunches, classroom treats and supplies for holiday celebrations, “Green Team” grounds cleanups, arts enrichment programs and most years, the school carnival. We’ve also been able to fund larger projects such as playground equipment and graphic design services for the school mascot on our new gym floor.
Every year, our mission is to welcome and engage as many new parents as we can into Washington’s Parent Teacher Organization, so that we can continue the great tradition of supporting students, teachers and staff both inside the classroom and out. Our goal is for the PTO to be representative of the rich diversity of our student body, which is what makes our school the wonderful place that it is. We’d like to ensure the PTO remains focused on what is truly valuable to as many families as possible.
Please know that being involved in PTO efforts, in whatever capacity you are able, does not mean huge time commitments, pressure, or cost. We have one meeting per month – most months – but a recap of each meeting is available from the "meeting minutes" tab of this website, so you can stay updated on our plans even if you are unable to be there.
There are also many “small” jobs that help make a big impact at Washington Elementary because as you know, many hands make light work. Without the time and the talents of our wonderful parents, it would be difficult for the PTO to accomplish all that we do.
Please consider getting involved in the PTO in the coming year(s). We would be happy to share the joy of supporting our school with you!
Go Wildcats!

Washington's Parent Teacher Organization is a group of volunteers who have provided additional support to the Washington Wildcats each school year since 2006. Here are some of the ways PTO supported Washington during the 2023-2024 school year.​

Kindergarten Picnic hosting & dinner for kindergarten families
Back to School Night Treats
Refreshments and cups for Washington's 100th Anniversary celebration
Student Planners for grades 1-6
Dundee Day Parade presence
with candy from PTO

School grounds cleanup events, native perennial garden around Washington sign, three new trees
Commemorative benches & native ornamental grasses at east playground
Gaga ball pit for east playground

Two additional adjustable basketball hoops (one on each playground)

Portable video screen for school

PTO-sponsored Enrichment Club Guide publication meeting OPS standards. PTO is looking for enrichment club leaders! (i.e. sign language club, etc.)

School directory publishing

Boo Bash hosting with pizza provided to families

Cricut machine for school

Robotics Team funding
Inflatable Washington Wildcats Arch
Painted playground games

Transportation & Admission fees for all grades student field trips
Spirit wear design, investment, and administration

School Fundraiser Organizing

Harvest & Valentine's Day Party snacks for all students

PTO website hosting and domain name: wildcatspto.org
Family Fun event hosting: Roller Skating, Ice Skating, Bowling

Fall & Spring dinners for teachers on parent/teacher conference nights
A week of Teacher Appreciation: Stocked Teachers’ refrigerator, Surprises in mailboxes and classrooms, Catered luncheon for all teachers/staff, Fresh fruit and donuts
Commemorative brick coordination

In our years of service since 2006, volunteering parents and teachers of Washington PTO have supported the students in countless ways. Below are some notable projects and events led and funded by the PTO.
Teacher Gift Cards for Classroom Supplies
Transportation & Admission Fees for Fileld Trips
School Planners for Grades 1-6
Snacks for Seasonal Classroom Parties
College Scholarships for Washington Alumni
Principal's Fund
Safety Patrol
Exterior Landscaping (Hydrangeas, trees and other plantings in 2006, 2019 and 2021)
Play Structures for East Playground (2008)
ELMO Projectors (2010)
Computer Lab Smart Board (2013)
Library Donation (2014, 2016)
Genius Grants to Teachers (2015)
Kindness T-Shirts (2016)
Chess Club Donation (2017)
Graphic Design Services for Wildcat Logo on Gym Floor (2017)
Dancing Classrooms (2018)
All School Directory
Spirit Wear Design & Sales
Commemorative Bricks at Entry
Grounds Maintenance
Conference Dinners, Luncheons & Snacks for Teachers & Staff
Teacher Appreciation Week Gifts
Kindergarten Picnic
6th Grade Graduation & Picnic
Washington Presence at Dundee Day Parade (+ parade candy)
Family Fun Nights: Boo Bash, Bowling & Bingo
Spring Carnival
Other Events: Readathon, Walkathon, Art Night
New gym speakers and microphone (2023)
Perennial Garden around Washington sign (2023)
Wildcat Arch Inflatable for events (2024)
Painted checkers/chess/4-square/dots & lines/mancala on east playground (2024)
Benches commemorating Washington's 100th Anniversary & Barb Connor at east playground (2024)